After so many years

Karla B.S.
2 min readAug 7, 2020

I woke up and opened the curtains. There was no sun.

I checked my cell phone: 9.30 a.m.

-Shit, it’s too early to wake up on… what day is today?

-I checked the weather: 6 degrees and cloudy, medium winds and

a slight chance of rain

How cold is the floor.

-Have I left the heating turned off?

Toothpaste is running out, let’s see if I remember to stop by the supermarket later tonight.

I sat in the toilet and felt the cold porcelain touching my skin

-I’m sure I left the heat off.

I took a shower.

I brushed my teeth and put on comfortable clothes.

Time to make breakfast, I open the refrigerator: all I have are frozen waffles.

While taking off my comfortable clothes and putting on decent clothes to go out in public,

I have texted a couple of friends.

“Friends, do you want to meet for brunch in a couple hours?”

They already had plans.

Paris can be a very melancholic city in winter.

I walk through my neighborhood looking for a place to eat but I’ve already tried them all and

I don’t have a craving for any of this places in particular.

I decide to cook at home since I still have to do my grocery.

I think it would be better to go to the market three blocks down.

There is another one closer but the day is suitable for walking.

I put on my headphones and select randomly.

Paris may be melancholic but it is still a beauty in winter.

The streets reflect a different life than the summer but they are still worthy of being photographed.

Onions, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, meat, pasta and bread

-that will be enough for today, I will buy a bottle of red wine to go with it.

I go back home and start cooking.

I pour myself a glass to drink while I cook and play Chopin as background music.

This pasta has turned out to be fucking great and the choice of red wine couldn’t be better.

They say pastas are better with white wine but the contrast of flavors has told me that I have been right.

I will wash the dishes after the next drink

-what a lazy Sunday, I think I won’t do anything today.

Knock knock.

- Who will it be?

I opened the door and there you were.

After so many years.

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Karla B.S.

Traducciones de artículos de interés general como cultura, desarrollo personal y emprendimiento.