We convert love…

Karla B.S.
Nov 13, 2020


We convert love from actions to words

from words to thoughts, from thoughts to memories;

and those memories faded into old memories.

I kept them for a while; next to the words you said, the trip we never took

and the silence that you left.

Now I realize what you were, why you had all those bright shades

and also dark, why you were cold and hot, fear and love, pain, and pleasure.

You were a damn rainbow, you needed rain and light, cloud and sun, and above all

because there is no rainbow that lasts your entire life…

Either the sun sets or the storm ends.

Translated to English from: https://medium.com/espanol/convertimos-el-amor-72f115595874

For more translations: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karla-ver%C3%B3nica-becerra-s%C3%A1nchez-8646ba1ab/



Karla B.S.

Traducciones de artículos de interés general como cultura, desarrollo personal y emprendimiento.